Mineral Promotion

All IGS services, whether they are the acquisition of baseline geodata, or institutional strengthening of existing institutions, are ultimately designed to help promote the mineral resources of a country or company.

Mineral promotion is of fundamental importance to a government or company which is trying to attract interest to its potential mineral assets. These services include, for example, the production of promotional literature, both in hard copy and online, for distribution to potential investors, as well as producing websites and other electronic media where necessary. Work also includes development of appropriate geodata acquisition programs and data distribution systems such as web portals, WFS & WMS services to encourage inward investment.

IGS are highly experienced in working on mineral promotion projects, and we fully understand the issues involved in trying to promote a project, licence area or country to the wider community.

We have been involved in many mineral promotion projects in recent years, including, but not limited to, helping to promote the mineral resources of parts of Nigeria, South Sudan, Malawi, and Afghanistan.

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