IGS Exhibits at Mining Indaba 2023
IGS was privileged to showcase the company and its services at the large UK Department for International Trade (DIT) stand at Mining Indaba, Cape Town, 6th to 9th February 2023. We received a lot of interest and enquiries with Indaba this year being better attended and having more of a ‘buzz’ than 2022. Certainly, and as always, it was a pleasure to meet up with clients, partners and colleagues.
Dr. Peter Zawada (MD) gave a presentation at the DIT stand entitled ‘Increasing Nation States competitively in the Mineral Sector’. Dr. Ash Johnson (COO) and Dr. Frik Hartzer (Senior Project Manager) of IGS also attended Indaba. It was particularly pleasing to meet up with Government Ministries and Geological Survey officials from across the world under one roof.

(For more information please contact us at enquiries@igsint.com)
Saudi Geological Survey
The Saudi Geological Survey have announced the launch of a new committee that brings together international geological experience from the Saudi Arabia, the US, Australia, Europe and China to take a modern look at structures across the Saudi part of the Arabian-Nubian shield.
Luke Stannard process Manager at Resolve Mining Solutions | Board Member of the Australia Saudi Business Council indicated that some regions have not seen review for over 50 years. He said he has often come across reports that appear to need a new eye cast over them and this will lead to a few new discoveries/interesting exploration programs.
Below is Dr. Christoph Dobmeier – principal geologist at IGS (International Geoscience Survey) Ltd and two colleagues from the Saudi Geological Survey.

(For more information please contact us at enquiries@igsint.com)
IGS as Technical Partner of the Saudi Geological Survey in the GSAS project
The High-Resolution Geochemical Survey of the Arabian Shield (GSAS) project which covers the entire Arabian Shield (c. 600,000 km²), commissioned by the Saudi Geological Survey (SGS) and conducted by the Chinese Geological Survey (CGS) is currently in its second sampling phase.
Since GSAS started at the end of 2021, the project has been making great strides. More than 48 000 stream sediment samples have been successfully collected and progressed by the contractor. The first analytical results are expected in the coming month. The project will have a duration of six years with the sampling and collection of approximately 100,000 sediment samples which will be completed in the first three years.
In its role as the official Technical Partner of the SGS, IGS experts supported by geochemists from the Finish Geological Survey (GTK), advise the client and undertake the quality control of the following project stages: planning, sampling, sample preparation, chemical analysis, data quality, geochemical databasing, statistical analysis of data, interpretation, and geochemical map production.

By Dr. Reik Degler – Project Geologist
(For more information please contact us at enquiries@igsint.com)
IGS completes Mozambique mapping project
On schedule, IGS, together with its partners BRGM, Gondwana and PGW, completed a mapping project in north-eastern Mozambique with the delivery of ten geological maps at a scale of 1:50,000 and the accompanying sheet explanations in two volumes for the geology and the mineral resources.

The approved products were passed on to INAMI (Instituto Nacional de Minas) on 11 November 2022.
The project was undertaken within the World Bank-financed Mining And Gas Technical Assistance Project (MAGTAP). Work included the acquisition and compilation of historical data, the interpretation of airborne geophysical data, the compilation of 25 preliminary geological maps, geological mapping of approximately 7,500 km2, inspection and cataloguing of all resource, the assessment of the resource potential, laboratory work (thin sections, whole rock analyses, age determination) and the production of ten geological maps and their accompanying GIS databases at a scale of 1:50000. Furthermore, five sheets of the Geological Map Series 1:250 000 were revised to incorporate the results of the survey.
(For more information please contact us at enquiries@igsint.com)
IGS consortium wins major contract in India
IGS Ltd, as part of IDPeX Pvt Ltd, has signed an agreement with the Odisha Mineral Exploration Corporation Ltd (OMECL) of India to optimise the exploration of mineral deposits in the eastern Indian State of Odisha. This will result in an inventory of auctionable blocks of different minerals.

IDPeX Pvt Ltd is the Indian registered joint venture of IGS Ltd, Datacode International (Pvt) Ltd, and Paterson, Grant & Watson Ltd (PGW). On this project IDPeX is working with consortium partners MSA Group Pty Ltd.
The work program will manage legacy data from exploration agencies of the State of Odisha. New airborne geophysical surveys will follow resulting in the selection of potential mineral blocks for different mineral commodities. The exploration programme will use the latest technologies and adhere to international standards.
Shri D.K. Singh, IAS, Chairman, OMECL said that, “Odisha is a mineral rich state. However, a large part of the State is still unexplored. This exploration program will lead to the discovery of hidden mineral deposits across the state using the latest technology which will help the state to utilise the mineral resources for the development of the State.”
Dr Ash Johnson, Director of IDPeX Ltd said “We are honoured and excited that IDPeX and MSA have been selected by OMECL as their Strategic Technical Consultant for this project. Our knowledgeable local team will work alongside our international experts to deliver auctionable blocks suitable to attract additional domestic and international investment into the State of Odisha.”
Saudi geophysics project update

The Saudi Geological Survey geophysics program covering the Arabian Shield is divided into 3 blocks, with Sander Geophysics flying Block 1 and Xcalibur Multiphysics flying Blocks 2 and 3.
After initial delays due to COVID, there are now four aircraft in country. Block 1 is 17% complete while production in Block 3 has commenced.
IGS is lead partner of the Technical Partner (TP) consortium. The TP team is responsible for providing quality control of contractor data and provides training and advisory services to SGS.
For the geophysics, IGS employees have carried out field inspection visits, generated QC reports and delivered training to SGS geophysicists.
The Regional Geological Survey Program – a foundation for a new Saudi mining sector
Peter Zawada, Managing Director of IGS, and Philipp Schmidt-Thomé of GTK, recently took part in a Mines and Money 5@5 Special Edition webinar sponsored by the Saudi Geological Survey. The webinar took place on Thursday 29th October and featured a discussion involving H.E. Khalid Saleh Al-Mudaifer – Vice Minister for Mining Affairs of the Ministry of Industry & Mineral Resources and those organizations that will be leading on parts of the Regional Geological Survey Program for Saudi Arabia.
Peter and Philipp’s presentation of the Technical Partner role in the RGP program starts from 32.50.