
Mozambique MAGTAP project – Supervisory team meets field team during second field campaign

The MAGTAP technical supervision team (Hannu Makitie and Esko Korkiakoski), and representatives of the client organisations INAMI (Vladimiro Manhica) and DNGM (Elias Daudi), visited the field team during the second field campaign. The field team consists of geologists from IGS, BRGM, GONDWANA, INAMI, DNGM, and DIPREME Nampula. They undertook a joint field excursion through the north-eastern part of map sheet Malema (394) which exposes granulites. The second field campaign started on 26 August and is operating from a field camp near Malema in Nampula Province. The four 1:50,000 map sheets being surveyed are Mutuali (393), Malema (394), Nintulo (433) and Inago (434).

Joint field excursion of supervisory team and field team. Top row (from left to right): Christoph J. Dobmeier (IGS, team leader), Esko Korkiakoski (GTK), Vladimiro Manhica (INAMI), Rogerio Matola (DNGM), Elias Daudi (DNGM), Joao Marques (GONDWANA, deputy project manager), Tuomo Manninen (GONDWANA); front row: Hannu Makitie (GTK), Reik Degler (IGS), Olivier Blein (BRGM), Honesto Adamo (DIPREME Nampula), Fila Lazaro (DIPREME Nampula), Temoteo Adriano (INAMI).
Photo credit: Didier Lahondere (BRGM).