
Kazakhstan news updates

igc-22-11-16IGS attended the 3rd UK-Kazakh Inter-Governmental Commission (IGC) held in London on 22nd November and gave a joint presentation at the Mining Subgroup with the Natural History Museum (NHM) on a proposal to develop a Geocluster within Kazakhstan.

Several Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) were also signed at the IGC, including an MoU between KazGeology, the state-owned National Exploration Company in Kazakhstan, and the Department of International Trade (DIT), which included details of the proposal to KazGeology from IGS, The University of Exeter’s Camborne School of Mines (CSM), and NHM, with whom IGS has been working closely over the past few months.

The IGC was opened by an address from the Rt Hon Greg Hands, Minister of State for International Trade, and was also attended by senior Kazakh Government and industry representatives.

kazgeology-visit-23-11-16Representatives from KazGeology, the NHM and DIT visited IGS on 23rd November to further discuss these proposals and also have a tour of the National Geoscience Repository at the British Geological Survey.

We thank KazGeology for their time and look forward to continuing our discussions with them over the coming months.