
Visit of Afghan Minister of Mines and Petroleum

His Excellency the Minister of Mines and Petroleum in Afghanistan, Dr. Daud Saba, together with the Deputy Minister of Mines and Petroleum, Javid Sadaat, visited the British Geological Survey’s main offices in Keyworth on Thursday 3rd December for discussions with IGS and BGS and a tour of the site’s laboratories, core store and other facilities.

Both BGS and IGS have a long and successful history of working in Afghanistan, with BGS working there from 2004-2008, and more recently (2014) with IGS starting a new three year project designed to improve capacity and training at the Afghan Geological Survey and Ministry of Mines and Petroleum.

Dr Peter Zawada, Managing Director of IGS Ltd, said “I am really pleased that IGS is involved in working in Afghanistan and that our project there is helping to make a real difference to the Afghan people by training specialists and installing new laboratory capacity. IGS is committed to continuing our relationship with the Afghan Ministry of Mines and Petroleum and we are most grateful to BGS for agreeing that the Minister and Deputy Minister can see the world class laboratory and storage facilities available on the BGS site”.